Vegan Matcha Custard Pudding

Posted by Lloyd Varju on

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes (plus 3 hours and 15 minutes set time)

Servings: 2

Category: Dessert



Our Matcha Custard Pudding is a super easy recipe to make at home. This recipe is economical and contains just six ingredients. A pudding that is vegan and thrifty to make—a gluten-free treat made in under 20 minutes! The perfect dessert pleaser also when topped with coconut cream and pieces of dark chocolate. Our delectable Matcha Custard Pudding is balanced between vegetal and sweet flavours. If you've never made a pudding before, this is a simple and perfect recipe to try! Vegan, creamy, healthy and delicious!



¾ cup (177ml) almond milk, unsweetened

2 tablespoons cornflour (corn starch)

1¾ teaspoons Fubuki Culinary Organic Matcha (adjust to taste)

1 cup (237ml) full-fat coconut milk, canned

3 tablespoons rice malt syrup, gluten-free

1½ teaspoons vanilla extract



  1. Pour the almond milk into a medium-sized saucepan on medium to high heat.
  2. Whisk in the cornflour and matcha powder until smooth. Be sure to stir regularly. 
  3. Stir the mixture regularly using a wooden spoon until almost simmering, then continuously stir over a lower heat until the custard thickens. The thickening of the custard will be noticeable first at the bottom of the saucepan and continue stirring until a smooth, even consistency forms—this should take around 7-8 minutes. The secret to smooth custard is continuous stirring.
  4. Pour the custard into ramekins and allow to cool for 15 minutes at room temperature before refrigerating. Complete cooling takes at least 3 hours. 
  5. Serve with sprinkles of matcha powder, whipped coconut cream, and dark chocolate shavings. Temptingly delicious!


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Skillfully blended for recipes

Culinary Organic Matcha 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g - Fubuki Matcha

Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g

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Our Organic Culinary Matcha is produced exclusively in the region of Makizono, in Kagoshima, Japan. The high-quality organic tencha leaves are shade-grown for 12 days before harvesting from the second flush. The tencha leaves are finely ground by a granite stone mill, with the greatest of care taken.

Culinary Organic Matcha perfectly balances vegetal and sweetness in recipes. The vibrant jade green is perfect for baking because it does not fade. The character of matcha endures when combined with other ingredients making a statement and perfect as a garnish.

Matcha Green Tea Health Benefits

Eo circle green white checkmark Improves Concentration and Focus
Eo circle green white checkmark Energy Booster Without the Jitters
Eo circle green white checkmark An Antioxidant Powerhouse
Eo circle green white checkmark Improved Heart Health
Eo circle green white checkmark Boosts Immunity
Eo circle green white checkmark Increases Metabolism
Eo circle green white checkmark Great Detoxifier
Eo circle green white checkmark Better Oral Health
Eo circle green white checkmark Promotes Healthy Skin

Our Range of Organic Matchas’ Are:

🍃 JAS Certified Organic

🐄 Naturally Dairy-Free and 

🐇 Vegan Friendly

🧪 Radiation Tested