Matcha Muffins with Raspberries

Posted by Lloyd Varju on

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour

Servings: 9-12

Category: Snack



Are you excited about baking for the holidays? This recipe is especially for matcha lovers—like you and like us. These super awesome matcha muffins will surely amp up your celebrations and put you in a festive mood! The vibrant green of the matcha topped with raspberry adds zippy lively colours. The bonus part is that they are super easy to make, totally delicious, and healthy. Another bonus is that these muffins are vegan and are gluten-free and dairy-free.



1 flax or chia egg* (vegan egg)

½ cup (125ml) unsweetened almond milk yoghurt

¼ cup (60ml) unsweetened almond milk

⅓–½ cup (80-120ml) maple syrup

⅓ cup (83ml) unsweetened apple sauce or 1 mashed banana

2 cups (240g) gluten-free oat flour

1–2 tablespoons Fubuki Culinary Organic Matcha

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 cups (250g) fresh red raspberries, rinsed, patted dry

*Vegan egg: create an egg-like texture by mixing 1 tablespoon of flax or chia seeds with 3 teaspoons of water and let set for 10 minutes.



  1. Preheat oven to 175°C (350°F) and line a muffin tray with patty pans.
  2. Place the flax egg, almond milk, yoghurt, almond milk, maple syrup, and apple sauce into a large bowl and mix. 
  3. Add the sifted oat flour, matcha powder, baking powder, and combine well.
  4. Scoop the batter into each muffin cup until ⅔ rds full. Top each muffin with 3-4 raspberries.
  5. Bake until the muffins have cooked through and are springy to touch. This should take between 25-30 minutes. The raspberry juices should have baked off by then.
  6. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.

Note: These muffins can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 5-7 days or longer in the freezer.


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Skillfully blended for recipes

Culinary Organic Matcha 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g - Fubuki Matcha
Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g - Fubuki Matcha

Culinary Organic Matcha Tea Powder 70g

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Our Organic Culinary Matcha is produced exclusively in the region of Makizono, in Kagoshima, Japan. The high-quality organic tencha leaves are shade-grown for 12 days before harvesting from the second flush. The tencha leaves are finely ground by a granite stone mill, with the greatest of care taken.

Culinary Organic Matcha perfectly balances vegetal and sweetness in recipes. The vibrant jade green is perfect for baking because it does not fade. The character of matcha endures when combined with other ingredients making a statement and perfect as a garnish.

Matcha Green Tea Health Benefits

Eo circle green white checkmark Improves Concentration and Focus
Eo circle green white checkmark Energy Booster Without the Jitters
Eo circle green white checkmark An Antioxidant Powerhouse
Eo circle green white checkmark Improved Heart Health
Eo circle green white checkmark Boosts Immunity
Eo circle green white checkmark Increases Metabolism
Eo circle green white checkmark Great Detoxifier
Eo circle green white checkmark Better Oral Health
Eo circle green white checkmark Promotes Healthy Skin

Our Range of Organic Matchas’ Are:

🍃 JAS Certified Organic

🐄 Naturally Dairy-Free and 

🐇 Vegan Friendly

🧪 Radiation Tested